
Crash Bandicoot 3 – Warped (USA) PSX on PSP ISO

Crash Bandicoot 3 – Warped (USA) PSX on PSP ISO After Dr. Neo Cortex’s defeat in the last game, the fallen parts of the Cortex Vortex have crashed into an ancient prison, releasing the evil spirit, Uka Uka. Cortex and Uka Uka find Dr. N. Tropy and use his Time-Twister machine to steal crystals from various time periods. Aku hears about this and sends Crash, and his little, intelligent sister Coco, to get the crystals and stop Dr. Cortex’s plans once again.

Crash Bandicoot 3 - Warped (USA) PSX on PSP ISO

Crash Bandicoot 3 – Warped (USA) PSX on PSP ISO



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