
Kingdom Hearts – Re-Coded (U) DS NDS ROM

Kingdom Hearts – Re-Coded (U) DS NDS ROM A remake of a previously Japan-only Kingdom Hearts mobile game for DS. It takes place after the events of Kingdom Hearts II, but retraces past events in the Kingdom Hearts canon.

Sora’s journey in Kingdom Hearts II has drawn to a close, and now a new tale is set to begin.Jiminy Cricket is looking over the journal he used to document his first adventure with Sora when he discovers a mysterious message. He didn’t write it – so how on earth did it get there? King Mickey is determined to find out, so he and his friends decide to digitize the journal and delve into its deepest secrets. Inside this “datascape” dwells a second Sora who is about to embark on a grand adventure of his very own

Kingdom Hearts – Re-Coded (U) DS NDS ROM



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