
Bloody Roar 4 (USA) Ps2 ISO

Bloody Roar 4 (USA) Ps2 ISO Bloody Roar 4 is a 3D fighting game developed by Eighting/Hudson Soft in 2003.

Bloody Roar 4 (USA) Ps2 ISO

There’s nothing like a good fighting game to get your adrenaline running, and Hudson, with its ongoing Bloody Roar series, definitely had a good start of things back in the late 1990s. After the quiet arcade release in the US, the animal transformation fighter never truly progressed enough to lead the changing fighters of the time, and despite the growing number of combos and added animals to transform into over the years, the Bloody Roar series has pretty much remained at a standstill.

Bloody Roar 4

Bloody Roar 4 (USA) Ps2 ISO

SIZE 1.1G)


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